We answer from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.    •    +33 (0)6 64 42 52 90    •    info@cocoateam.fr

Our engagements

We select the best products with a reasoned culture, respectful of the environment and people.

At Cocoateam we are committed to a sustainable and responsible approach to our supply of cocoa beans on a daily basis.  

Our values

Building long lasting relationships with producers 

Working to offer better living conditions and remuneration to planters

Banning child labour

Encouraging women’s empowerment

Fighting climate change by halting deforestation and developing agroforestry

Favour short circuits

Our engagements


  • A guaranteed minimum price for farmers to enable them to live with dignity from their profession
  • The remediation and elimination of child labour
  • Empowerment of women in local communities


  • Preservation of existing ecosystems through the adoption of good biological practices
  • Contributing to the fight against deforestation of forests by developing agroforestry
  • Maintaining Biodiversity


  • Boosting local economic development through cocoa cultivation
  • Promotion of cocoa in the producing country through the adoption of best agricultural, environmental and social practices
  • Support the development of employment opportunities with a strong focus on men and women.

Labels & certifications

At Cocoateam, we pay special attention not only to the quality of our products but also to the social and environmental impact of cocoa cultivation in producing countries.

We adhere to the major international certification bodies for the cocoa trade but wish to go much further in our commitment to sustainability and eco-responsibility issues with separate, human-sized programs developed with our trusted partners.


Fairtrade is changing the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer market for producers and workers in developing countries..

UTZ Certified

Thanks to this program, producers are trained in better farming methods under better conditions. They thus obtain better harvests, better incomes and contribute to a better environment..


The European Union Organic Label is a quality label certifying that a marketed product complies with the European Union regulation on organic farming, based on the ban on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.


The Rainforest Alliance ecolabel aims to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming agricultural practices, business practices and consumer behaviour.


A UNIQUE NETWORK OF COMMITTED ACTORS for a quality chocolate with demanding and responsible values

By placing the producer at the heart of the creation and transformation process, Club members demonstrate their responsibility in choosing to use quality cocoa, obtained in conditions that respect the environment, as well as the women and men who participate in its development.


Program led by the CICC (Interprofessional Council for Cocoa and Coffee) in association with the Club of Committed Chocolate Makers

To interest, insert and professionalise young people in quality production, in order to enhance the value of Cameroonian terroirs and increase overall production for a sustainable revival of cocoa and coffee farming. 

The “New Generation” program is a powerful lever for economic growth through the creation of decent jobs for the new generation, which will be called upon to practise more productive, more competitive cocoa production and oriented towards more remunerative markets.

Premium logistics

With over 100 years of experience in the Sugar, Coffee and Cocoa trade, we master the entire supply chain from the cooperatives to the end customer.

Our cocoa beans are subject to premium logistics processing. 

We pay particular attention to the transport and storage conditions of our products.

We implement strict quality control points at each stage of the supply chain in order to preserve the quality and organoleptic properties of our cocoa beans.

Tailor-made delivery

We assure you a careful delivery from one bag (about 65 Kg) throughout France and Europe. The mixing of origins by range is possible and at no extra cost.

We can also facilitate or take care of the import of cocoa from an origin that you have sourced. You remain in control of the relationship established with your producer contact, we provide you with our logistical support.

Explore our products


Discover the ‘Bean to Bar’
